Monday, January 18, 2010

Love The One You're With

I know it's been a while since I posted. I am now recouping and regrouping since the death of my wonderful husband of 20 years--Darryl. He passed away on November 24, 2009 and I am still in disbelief that he is actually gone. I know that he is with Jesus and rejoicing in heaven but it's hard. I miss him and so do our children Leah, Whitney and Evan. I must say though "D" left his mark on the world. He connected with and impacted more people in his 44 years than most do in a lifetime. I honor his life, love and passion for souls. He loved people and always went out of his way to reach one more. I've learned a lot from him and I admit I wish I had appreciated all the little things that made him special just a bit more.

When those we love are here with us it's easy to take them for granted--assuming they'll always be there-- but tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. I was at a birthday celebration recently and a woman there was complaining about how annoyed she was that her husband wouldn't stop squeezing the toothpaste tube in the middle. Gosh I'd love to be saying that about "D' right now . Listen--enjoy who you love NOW while they are still here--living, loving and still breathing all around you. Let them squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle and leave their bed messy once in a while--who cares? There's a song that says to "Love The One You're With". Sound advice if you ask me. Selah.

1 comment:

Bro. Jeff Sr said...

I'm sorry Lisa to hear about your lost. More disturbed then anything else...

I had wondered why I arrived too late to be of GREAT HELP to you and your husband.

When I began to leave your blog feeling hopeless and useless, it dawned on me that YOU can benefit from my information!

It is information the Medical Establishment as well as this Government DOES NOT want to be distributed. Oh they won't say anything to your face but they will begin monitoring you to see if you will become a threat to the status quo.

You will become EXTREMELY angry. Maybe at me at first then at others.

It's normal.

With your permission, when I am through compiling my information, research and commentary, that I may send it to you for your personal use only.

The information tells you how easy it is to kill cancer! Any type! And the information is FREE!

Who am I? A man whom had a wife with breast cancer that spread soo fast to both breast it wasn't funny. She didn't want to do chemo or radiation nor tell anyone about her condition. She was willing to face whatever comes......So I asked permission to treat her myself and she gave me permission.

With the information, the cancer was completely GONE in a few months! A family friend had uterine cancer, GONE in a few months. It's been over ten years now and no recurrence!

A Co-worker wife on her death bed with two weeks to live......ALIVE and WELL Today! It's been eight years now with no recurrence!

Please don't kick yourself or put yourself down in any way. This information will help protect you and your children. I highly recommend to take the maintenance dose just in case......


My email address is: