Friday, October 16, 2009

Bad Body Talk

There is an interesting question being asked at the Internet Cafe. That question is :"What is one message that your "tape recorder" (mind) is playing over and over in your head that is a lie?
God's Word is the only thing that has the power to change our minds. His truth is the only way to erase a lie."

Well one of the things that replays in my mind relates to my body. Every time I look in the mirror I began to look at myself with an overly critical eye. Thoughts like, "Your too heavy" and "You'd be happier if you're stomach were flatter" turn into words that pronounce a curse instead of a blessing. It says in Proverbs 18:21 NIV that "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. " God does not want us speaking words that will cause death to our self image. He is the potter and we are the clay--His workmanship that should always be in the process of becoming what HE wants us to be! When I begin to walk confidently in my Father(full hips and all) maybe it will encourage someone else to do the same.

God can and will use you--the WHOLE you---for His Glory. Begin to accept the wonderful way in which He fashioned you while in the process of caring for your "temple". Our beautifully different bodies are just the outer casing that we need to be a better stewards over, not the dictators of our destinies..

I have to make a conscious decision every day to resist the lies and speak only truth over my body and life because I know His grace is sufficient to walk me through every side and SIZE of my life!

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is." Romans 12:2

Dear Lord ,
Thank you for custom designing me in such a wonderful way. Forgive me for the times when I accepted the lie that Your work called my body is not good enough. Help me to accept myself and become a good steward over my temple and may I present a reflection to others that pleases you. In Jesus' Name--Amen!

Warm Wishes,

Saturday, October 10, 2009

You Are Well Able!

It's been 20 months since my husband's brain cancer diagnosis(That's Darryl's picture on the right). People are always commenting on how well our family is doing in the midst of it. Many are also suprised how upbeat I seem most of the time ( though I do have my "break down and cry days!"). I must admit that in the first few months of my husband's disease, I was a mess. I was angry, scared and overwhelmed. Yes I had the pity parties. I couldn't imagine how I was going to assume the sole leadership role of my family and the idea of being the "go to" person for everything was daunting! But in the mix of things, God reminded me that according to Psalms 139 that He had "scheduled every day of my life" and this was no exception.

How do I continue to make it? It's through God's ability--not my own! Just like in Numbers 13 and 14 when the Hebrew spies went to scout out the land of Canaan--negativity can arise. It's easy to see the challenges and cower in defeat. But when you fully trust in the Lord you can confidently face those giants in your life.He reminds us in His Word that we are well able to possess every opportunity and blessing from Him if we would just depend and rely on His strength and abilities. The exciting part is that God will use the gifts, talents and abilities he has placed in you right in the middle of your circumstances. I know because that is when I published my first book Your Life, His Masterpiece--right in the middle of the brain cancer saga!

I knew we were going to be alright because with God in control--success is guaranteed! Begin to see yourself as God sees you--a winner, overcomer and success story. No matter what you're facing, you are well able to meet the challenges with Christ in the lead!
Warm Wishes,

Encouragement Principle: God confidence supercedes self confidence!

Selah Moment: In what areas do you need more God confidence? How will you activate that confidence today!

[The Lord said,] "My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may work through me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Encouraged By God's Love

The thing about brain cancer is that it doesn’t just attempt to kill the afflicted person, but the family, finances and faith too. On New Year’s eve 2007 I found myself sitting in the hospital with my husband Darryl confused and afraid. He had been having trouble walking, balancing and using his left arm since Christmas. After a phone consultation with an on call nurse, we were advised to get to the emergency room right away. After several hours of poking, prodding and examining-- a cat scan revealed several spots on Darryl’s brain. He was immediately admitted and later diagnosed in Feb. 2008 with Stage 4 glioblastoma brain cancer. Needless to say we were devastated. How could this happen? A seemingly healthy 42 year old man handed a death sentence. I thought I would die too. We had been married 18 years and I had always depended on Darryl to take care of so many things in our lives. Now here I was with a sick husband , three children, a full time job and bills piling up. Though I had the support of friends and family, when I found myself alone in a room I just cried. How was I supposed to take care of everything and everybody??

All I really had left was my faith in God. I prayed and asked Him for strength to help me throught the shock and anger I was feeling. Anger about the situation and even towards my husband for “leaving” me though still physically with us.I felt alone and abandoned and it wasn’t Darryl’s fault but there I was with the task of keeping him alive and our family afloat. There were days I would go through the bills and become so despondent, I would vent angrily to my family and other times through my writing. I faced so many uncomfortable things that year and teetered on the brink of financial devastation. Then one morning I heard as clear as day “NO!” It was as if my spirit shouted at to me all at once! I felt a “righteous indignation” rise in me and I became angry again only not at the situation but at the lie that our life was over. It was at that moment that it was time to shut down the pity party and take my life back. I decided that we would live the best life possible as long as possible--all of us. No more fears of lost hopes and dreams. It was time to maximize each precious day and make it a masterpiece. I began to create a plan for our finances and persevere to get out of as much immediate debt as possible. I found a nurse and other resources for my husband, but also realized how important it was to take care of myself for the sake of myself and the family. I began a diet and fitness regime, lost 35 pounds and wrote my first book which was published this past April 2009.

Even pain has a purpose and we can either run or learn from it. Choosing to completely rely on God as He walks us through life and realizing that setbacks are just setups for God to be glorified on our lives.Pain builds our character and not necessarily our comfort.I hated being uncomfortable, but it forced me to trust in the Lord with all my heart and made me a stronger, more accomplished person. Though my husband still suffers from the effects of the brain cancer--he’s still here--and so am I for that matter.We are transforming into a healthier, wiser and stronger people every day because of God's love, faithfulness and mercies that are new EVERY morning! That's the kicker for me--pain doesn't seem to hurt so much when it's wrapped in God's love!

Selah Moment: How has God transformed your obstacles into opportunities to grow and show His Glory?

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths."Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do You Have "The Look"?

The other day I was sitting at my computer working intensely on a project. My son Evan rushed over and began sharing his latest revelation about his favorite superheros. As he rambled on about superpowers , laser beams and invisible force fields, I responded in turn with a series of "um-hums", "wows" and "Oh I sees" concluded with a less than heartful "That's nice honey" --all without ever looking up from the computer. All at once, I felt my son's two little sticky fruit snackety hand, grab my face and lightning fast we were staring at each other almost nose to nose. Without even blinking Evan said with a very confident voice, "Mommy LOOK at me when I'm talking to you!" After a very pregnant pause, I burst out laughing and so did Evan for that matter. He wanted me to listen with my eyes and heart--not just my ears!

Have you ever try to share your thoughts, ideas or experiences with someone who wasn't really listening to you? It can be very frustrating and disheartening at best. As a talented encourager your goal is to give hope, courage and confidence to others. A talented encourager always seeks to "first understand and then be understood" according to Stephen Covey. In order to first understand you must make yourself completely "present" in the conversation. How do you do this? Here are a few tips:
  • Make direct eye contact with the speaker. This shows that they are important and you are interested in what they have to say.
  • Have a natural, relaxed body position. This demonstrates to the speaker that you are ready and open to hear their ideas and concerns,
  • Stay on THEIR topic. Don't deviate to something of more interest to you.
  • Avoid interrupting. Give them full attention and the time to fully express themselves.
  • Think about what they say means to them NOT you.
  • Respond back by "mirroring" what they say in order to clarify.
  • Use their name intermittently. There's nothing more soothing than the sound of your name!

Remember encouragers stimulate inner courage. Listening with your "whole" self will take you a long way in motivating positive movement in the lives of others. What could be more important than that?

Warm Wishes,


Encouragement Principle: Showing your "presence" in a conversation provides an encouraging and safe atmosphere for the speaker.

"Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

1 Thess. 5:11